- 作者:不死鳥
- 編輯:ChunTian
每年《時代》雜志都會評選出世界上最具影響力的人物,今年的人物名單中,我們看到了GTA的游戲制作人——Sam和Dan Houser,這兩個王牌制作人被歸為“Artists & Entertainers”類別,無容置疑這份殊榮當然來自GTA4的成功!
《辛普森一家》的作者Matt Selman專門為他們寫了專稿——“addictiveness of the brothers”,贊美之詞溢于言表:
Who better summarized and satirized the drug-dealing Miami of the '80s? Or the New York City of now? The Housers are doing the work of Tom Wolfe, creating tapestries of modern times as detailed as those of Balzac or Dickens. At least, I assume that's true. Instead of reading those guys, I've been in Liberty City stealing tanks.
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